This wiki is a FAQ page for our 3D printing group: @Print3D_Group
Feel free to add pages or update content, edit the files on GitHub and send a pull request.
The content is licenses under the Creative Commons CC0 license.
About this wiki
This wiki aims to be a quick source of information for 3D printer users and in particular our Telegram group.
It does not aim to replace or compete with other great sources of information such as or official documentation websites, but rather be a “quick instruction manual”/FAQ site for the questions that come up most frequently in our Telegram group. For all the details, links to more extensive documentations should be provided.
We also provide a list of suggested printers for different price ranges. Note that if a printer is not listed it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s crap! Actually, we encourage users to add their own content, and note if a particular model has some well-known flaws (such as the automatic house ignition feature found in the Anet A8).
We do not accept paid referral links on this website or in the printer lists. This is a place for finding information, no advertisements are allowed.
Contributing content
All pages are under the /wiki
You should check out the Kramdown Markdown reference and the Just the Docs documentation to learn how to write markdown pages that work well on the website.
Markdown cheatsheet
# Title
## Section title
### Paragraph title
#### Subparagraph title
↑ Titles go on their own line. Add a blank line after each title, and two (but at least one) before
This is **bold**, *italic* and ~~strikethrough~~, while this is some short `code sample`.
A larger code sample can be enclosed within three backticks,
like this. You can also set the programming language.
- this is
- a bulleted list
1. this is
2. a numbered list
[External link text](
[Internal link text]({{ '/wiki/software/slicer' | absolute_url }})

Icons from ForkAwesome:
Just paste the code from the icon page, for example:
<i class="fa fa-archlinux" aria-hidden="true"></i>
There's a shortcut for Wikipedia links:
{% include wiki %}
Edit an existing page
Just open the page file on GitHub and click the “pencil” icon to edit it.
On the website you will find a “Edit this page on GitHub” button around the bottom of the page.
Creating a new page
In the wiki folder, click “Add file”, “Create new file”.
The file name ends up in the URL: it should be something like
, the URL will be /wiki/page-name
Paste and adjust the following content at the beginning of the file to set the page layout and the title, then add the content after that.
layout: page # Use page_nocomments for the main category page
title: Page title
toc: true # Or false, if you want to disable the Table of Contents
#parent: Parent title if this is a sub-page, otherwise delete this line
#has_children: true if this page has children, otherwise delete this line
# Page title
Adding new categories is not possible on the web-based GitHub interface. You need to use Git on your computer. If you need help you can ask @depauh in the Telegram group to create it for you.
Documentation on the site navigation can be found here.
Uploading pictures
To avoid making the repository overly big, just upload them to
Testing the website on your computer
- Install Docker for Linux or macOS (it should work on Windows too but the command needs to be adapted)
- Clone the Git repository to your computer
- Run the website on your computer by running on the terminal:
docker run --rm --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" -p 4000:4000 -it jekyll/jekyll jekyll serve
- The website will be available at localhost:4000